Thursday, October 7, 2010


My niece asked me if dwendes are true. Of course, I can't make any categorical statement on these creatures whether they really exist or not.

It's only in Philippines where you hear of dwende, kapre, aswang, tikbalang etc.

Personally, my take is that these are not true. These are just creations of the devil. To distract attention or to divert people from Jesus Christ. They may be true in the sense that they really appear and make themselves manifest to some people. But these are forms of demons that can scare the wit out of you if your faith is not strong and rock solid.

So what to do when you encounter creatures like these?

Hmmmm.... Pray in Jesus' name to ward off these evil spirits.

Read the Bible and you will discover there are no such things as these. But I'm not saying these are just figments of imagination. As I said, these creatures are just meant to destroy those who are weak in their faith in God.