As of this writing, there is a study being made to determine the Pacquiao effect on Filipinos. It hopes to link Pacquiao to the Filipinos' sense of pride or nationalism or something to that effect.
I remember when Michael Jordan was in his prime. He was the cover story once in a business magazine. The magazine analyzes Jordan's impact on the US economy hence the cover title, The Jordan Effect. Jordan at that time was nearing retirement but was obviously still in his prime. The magazine concluded that the Jordan effect pumps $10 Billion on the economy and still counting.
Now going back to the PH setting mode. Can the same effect be said on Manny Pacquiao?
For sure, Pacquiao's effect on the country is more cultural than economical. Cultural, in the sense that whenever Pacquiao has a fight, the crime rate in the whole country posted an almost zero crime rate. Other aspects make all Filipinos proud, wherever they are, here or abroad. More so, now that Pacquiao is a global sports icon. Therefore, his following is not limited locally.
Pinoys love the rags to riches story and the underdog tag and Pacquiao can claim both labels having come from humble beginnings.
I cannot quantify Pacquiao's effect on the economy but I'm sure it's a lot. Just to cite for instance, most moviehouses feature Pacquiao's fight and when people go to watch his fight live in cinemas, after watching, they would surely eat and drink and go malling after. Also, now that Pacquiao is a congressman, a hospital will soon be built in his district, Sarangani.
Pacquiao is a hero. A one of a kind sports icon that the country had. There have been many great athletes before him who have also brought glory and honor to the country but none can equal what Pacquiao did for the country and his impact globally as a Filipino.
I am glad I live to see the day, to witness Pacquiao in his prime.