Sunday, August 22, 2010

7 words to live by...

I still remember reading a nice article from Reader's Digest. The title of the article is the title of this topic.

It may sound so simple and yet if followed to the core, what difference it will make in the lives of many people...

Here goes:

Live. Love. Learn. Think. Give. Try. Laugh.

In my own words, I will expound on each word.

Live and let live. All of us have to go through this motion. Though mortal that we are, we are still bound to go through the motion and as the cliche goes, live life to the fullest. If only this is as simple as it is followed. But such is Life. You do not know what to expect. Some may be born lucky, or if you don't believe in luck, call it fortunate or blessed. Others might wonder, "why me?" if they feel like they are carrying the problems of the world. So no matter what. Live and let live. For it is only through living can we gain the necessary experience to lead us to our destiny.

They say a person needs three things in this world. 1. To love someone. 2. To be loved. 3. And something to hope for. Love is such a powerful action whether you are the giver or receiver. I think it is human nature to be attracted to someone and also to desire to be loved. But love is not only limited to what you call a romantic love. There are actually many kinds of love. You have love taking form as 1. Romantic 2. Eros 3. Friendly 4. Brotherly 5. Agape or Platonic. I used to have that book spelling out the different kinds of love. There could be more but the bottomline is this. If our lives will be governed by love, then who needs the law to remind us of what is right or wrong?

Learning a new thing each day keeps your mind young. But learning per se is not what this article is all about. You learn things from school, you learn things from life as you go through each day living your life either to the fullest or under normal pace. As you develop your propensity to learn from your varied experiences in life, you acquire wisdom. And the wisdom gained will set you apart and lead you to a noble purpose if you are fully committed to it.

If only all of us would think first before plunging into action, I guess the world would have become a better place. For whether the best laid plans or the ill-advised decisions are carried out, the precursor to the outcome is first the rational mind. Thinking is a process. But oftentimes, thinking wisely is often neglected or taken for granted. That is why people are often hurt when others say spiteful things without even thinking about the consequences. In the same manner, before you reap what you sow, it depends on what level of thinking did you go through.

Whew. I'm done for today. Til the next post.