Monday, August 23, 2010

An act of desperation

Another tragic incident befell our country yesterday.

It's all about a bemedalled officer who felt he was unjustly dismissed and denied of his retirement benefits, prompting him to hostage several tourists and later killing some of them when negotiations fell through.

Ex-policeman Mendoza
Source: Phil Star

Desperate acts like these are common occurrences in our country.

In many instances, you will see a young man climbing up the billboard tower getting everyone's attention by threatening to jump. What drove this guy nuts? Well, he was jobless to begin with. And his wife left him for another paramour. Bottomline: Desperation. The need for attention is very high in situations like these.

Unfortunately, when some can't survive desperate situations, they take matters into their own hands by taking their life.

But what I'm trying to understand is the depth of these people's desperation. It seems like these people want the whole world's attention to do something about their plight. And mind you, this is not only Philippine territory. You see violence in US schools where shooting spree has become the norm for desperate people.

Can these be prevented? But of course.

These people just need someone to listen to them - to give them the attention they need - to address their personal concern.

So it boils down to the family as a unit. Because no matter how desperate your situation is, at the end of the day, you still go home either alone, or with someone, or with your family.

If you grew up with a loving and caring family, if you know you can talk to someone or at least air your grievances, then somehow it lets the steam off your pent up emotions. No need to resort to desperate acts when push comes to shove because somehow, someone is there to understand you and listen to you.

But if you go through it alone, with no one caring about your plight, no one taking the time to listen to your dilemma, then there lies the problem.

Sounds cheesy? But really, it is that simple.

As Dr. Watson, would have said, it's very elementary my friend.